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Technical training and consulting services

Reskill, Upskill and New Skill Development

The Career for the Future Academy (CFA), an entity under the NSTDA (National Science and Technology Development Agency), provides training and academic and technical consultation services to enhance the science and technology capabilities of personnel in Thailand’s manufacturing and service sectors. Guided by the vision of “Promoting Professional Skills in Science and Technology for Thailand’s Manufacturing and Service Sectors,” the academy organizes several human resources development activities, such as Seminars, Training – Workshops, Digital Learning Platforms, Technology Trips, and Advanced IP Services.

Training includes:

• The Information Technology and Management Program is a practical training course designed to enable learners to understand and perform real work. The Academy has developed various courses in accordance with the international ISO 10015 standard, addressing various professions capable of operating in the digital industry and supporting other industries.

• The Advanced Information Technology and Management Program offers a mix of theoretical and practical sessions, problem-solving/case studies, and visits to top-tier domestic and international organizations.

• The Green Science and Technology Training Program provides knowledge and awareness and promotes cooperation in green science and technology, focusing on energy conservation, environmental protection, cost reduction, and improving organizational competitiveness to become a Green Enterprise and a Low-Carbon Society.

• The Innovation Practices Program covers theories and practices for how to generate innovative ideas, methods, and patterns in Organization Development, Work Process, and Service Delivery.

• The HRD Integrated Program is designed with a comprehensive technology orientation to address all industry groups, such as Biotechnology, Infographic Design, Engineering, Factory Management 4.0 Development, and others.

Additionally, we offer In-House Training for specific groups to support the development of science and technology personnel according to specific needs, including specific course requirements, group-specific personnel needs, specific positions, and can be chosen or designed without location and time restrictions for training.
