Alternative Energy Storage Platform for Stationary Energy Storage System

Energy storage system plays a key component in the future of renewable resources, especially wind and solar. The energy storage can improve grid reliability, stability, and promoting the quality in uses of the renewable energy. The common type of energy storage technologies is Lithium-ion battery which be a good capacity and popular battery. However, Lithium-ion battery also have some disadvantages such as liquid electrolyte flammability, environmental impacts as well as limited of raw material resources. As well, Li elements in various applications have been triggered about safety concerns.

” National Security and Dual-use Technology Center, NSTDA” or NSD foresees that the establishment of Alternative Energy Storage Platform for Stationary Energy Storage System (pilot plant) will be an infrastructure (Platform) for research and development of new alternative safe battery technologies for stability and commercial use as well as create an alternative battery industry in the country.

Our technology and services

The pilot plant is as original design manufacture (ODM) which can manufacture production for industrial as well as develop alternative battery product by expert. The production has maximum capacity 1 megawatt (prototype level) on an area of 732.4 square meters. The pilot plant has been operated under ISO 9001: factory quality management standard system and the product has been granted a safety certificate by Thai Industrial Standard (TIS) No. 2017-2548. Elementary services of the pilot plant have detail as follows:
• Research and Development the products, including the materials which related to proceed in the pilot plant. The service is supported for all segment such as government sector, private sector, and other interested segment.
• Consulting about formula development for battery as well as the other related products such as supercapacitors.
• IP management such as Fee from Technologies transfer and Licensing.
• Training / Product Testing / Manufacturing Process.

Each model has a different purpose and agreements according to condition of client.

1. Zinc Ion Battery

Zinc Ion Battery is an interesting new type of battery which the main materials including zinc, manganese oxide, and extraordinarily by graphene technology to improve the efficiency. Comparison with lithium-ion batteries, Zinc ion battery have superior advantages in safety and stability due to its quality in an environmentally friendly battery, 90% recyclable, non-flammable, non-explosive as well as zinc is a cheap and most common mineral. Therefore, Zinc ion batteries is suitable for application in energy storage systems and equipment which requires high safety, such as vehicles, residences, backup power systems, electric grid system and including in the military and security.

2. Supercapacitor

Zinc Ion Battery is an interesting new type of battery which the main materials It is a technology of Electric Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC) using a material called graphene (Graphene), The qualities of graphene are conducting electricity well, storing more electric charge than other materials and a high-power density that providing fast charging, long service life, low virtual resistance, low heat from a lot of discharge that not harmful to the user, corrosion resistant and environmentally friendly that is the feature of future batteries.

3. Na Ion Battery

Zinc Ion Battery is an interesting new type of battery which the main materials It iThe main material is sodium and using graphene technology to improve efficiency. The advantages of sodium ion batteries are the cost of sodium ion production is lower than lithium-ion production. Na Ion Battery has a high energy density that can be charged quickly, works well in low temperature conditions, also highly secure which can be used in electric vehicles system and renewable energy storage systems, etc.
