Vision & Mission
The ultimate goal of EECi is to support the transformation of Thailand into a country that thrives on innovation to enhance competitiveness of its economy and quality-of-life of its people. To achieve this goal, EECi strives at becoming “a leading innovation ecosystem in Southeast Asia on which research and innovation are translated into sustainable regional economic development and societal well-being” and sets its actions in 5 strategic mission areas to bring about its vision and ultimate goal. These 5 mission areas of EECi are: and sets its actions in 5 strategic mission areas to bring about its vision and ultimate goal. These 5 mission areas of EECi are:
1. Hub of Translational Research and Technology Localization
EECi plays the intermediary role of aligning technology development to the needs of market. It solicits industry players for strategic development directions and technologies required. It fosters the development of Industrial technology Consortia and Innovation clusters to enhance flows of knowledge and innovation from various players in and between network. In addition, EECi secures the development of government-funded translational research infrastructures and well as public and private national quality infrastructures including regulatory sandboxes onsite as well as engages with those already available elsewhere to support scaling up of locally developed technologies and facilitate foreign technology adaptation to local applications.
2. Center for Human Resource and Advanced Skill Development
Preparation of workforce is essential to the development of the target industries. EECi facilitates re-skilling and up-skilling of current industrial workforces to the requirement of the target industries. It also supports medium-term and long-term human capacity building through the arrangement of government scholarships, industrial graduate studies and dual-degree programs, post-doctoral internships, international top-notch researcher and visiting professor programs, and STEM education.
3. House of Industrial Technology Capability Services
Competitiveness of local industries and SMEs are vital in the innovation driven economy. EECi provides and facilitates various systematic “readiness” assessment and government’s technology assistant program deployment as well as supports supplier development programs of enterprises to help maintain and accelerate competitiveness of local industries and SMEs.
4. Focal Point for Startup and Venture Creation
Startups and Spin-offs are sources of industry disruption and competitiveness acceleration. EECi strives at providing platforms linking innovation needs of established firms to innovative solutions from startups as well as connecting promising startups to government funding, corporate venture funds, professional resources and path to market.
5. Provider of Community Development Program
EECi supports the development of nearby community with modern agriculture technologies to improve productivity and reduce labor intensive task. Joint development program between community and EECi members is set up to stimulate user-required agendas. STEM education program, whereby teachers are trained of modern techniques and students are augmented with supplementary extra-curriculum, is organized with supports from EECi members to increase academic achievement and skills of students in nearby schools.